Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cara nak lajukan internet...

oke hye all.. heran nape tetibe tuka ke bahasa melayu? simple! i noticed that most of my followers are malaysian o can understand malay well.. n i speak n write malay better.. so, cakap melayu je la n maybe ade skit2 cakap english ek... yang penting, ape yg nak disampaikan tu, sampai pada korang n korang sume dapat maklumat yg nak di sharekan..

ok moving on, this is my 1st share on computer tweaks...
so bagi yg simple dulu... cara nak lajukan tenet.. ok pls follow this few simple steps.

1. klik start>run, then type cmd then klik ok
(bagi yg gune vista n 7, klik start, then plih accessories n klik command prompt)

then korang akan nmpk cmni...

ok then, type ipconfig/all n press enter..

korang patut nampak something like this..

ok sbenanye ni sume detail pasal internet protocol configuration komputer korang..

so carik la type of connection korang.. macam aku, tgk kat pic atas tu (err, kalu xnmpk tu, sila la bukak pic kat new tab n zoom k..o download je pic tu..) ade tulis 'PPP Adapter Maxis' kan? sbb aku gune maxis broadband.. kalu korang gune lain, carik la nama tu kat situ...

ok lpas tu, perhatikan kat bawah tajuk 'PPP Adapter Maxis' tu ade tulis IP address kan? itu IP address yg korang tgh gune skrg..

ok then type, ping<>'IP address yg korg tgh gune tu'<>-t then tekan enter..
ie : ping -t

ok? lepas tekan enter tu, korang spatutnye dapat reply cmni..

kalu xdpt reply atau dye tulis 100%loss, maka korang try cek balik btul ke x itu connection yg korang gune utk connect ke internet ataupun btul ke x IP address yg korang type td...

ok kalu da dapat reply, korang mesti prasan bnde tu dok gerak je kan... means korang da bjaya!
then bia je la bnde tu jalan, n korang surf je la tenet mcm biase n tgk la byk x perbezaan kelajuan internet korang? hee

so ape yg kite buat sbenanye?

cmni, waktu kite surf tenet, lagi2 kalau korang gune broadband, pena x nk loading satu page tp lame gile, n bile cek kat sofware korang, data download tu xgerak? 0.00kbps?
macam gmba bawah nie..

haa pena x? yg kite pun penat la adjust kedudukan kononnya xdpt coverage.. hee

ok sbenanye, waktu tu, connection kite pada main server terputus kejap.. maybe sbb korang lama sgt tgk satu2 page smpy xgerak2 tenet tu.. jadi dye perlu masa untuk establish balik connection kat main server.. jadi ape yg kite buat td tu ialah salah satu cara untuk kekalkan network establishment ngan server, bermakna connection kite ngan main server tu xkan putus...

lg satu kelebihannya, kalu korang prasan kat command prompt td, dye akan dapat reply lbey kurang setiap sesaat kan? bermakna kite akan stiase trikat ngan main server utk download data supaya page kite akan stiase load smpy la page tu da di view spenuhnye.. jadi xde da gangguan load skit2 tu yg slalu buat kite tggu lama2 tu.. hee ok?

ok lg satu nak share, ni cuma salah satu cara nk lajukan tenet.. yg ni plg simple la.. tp cara ni xbkesan sgt pada connection selain broadband dan wifi.. bermakna kalau korang pakai land line, DSL cable, mmg xnmpk sgt different dye.. n setelah di kaji, cara ni paling berkesan pada hoooray! utk broadband user! n yes! kalu maxis broadband anda da abis limit n start perlahan macam siput tu kan, apply je teknik nie...

ok, smpy sini je utk first tweak ni..kalu ade pembetulan o penambahbaikan bole tgglkan komen yeah! tanx n taa! salam...

p/s: utk para stalkers pun bole gune teknik nie.aku halalkan ilmu ni utk sume org k.. hee

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

problems with blogID?

okay, i apologise for the inconvenience, guys..

in order to protect my url to gain traffic, most of u who r using direct IP config wont be able to follow me directly... but u all can still follow my blog anonymously..
the difference? well, other readers wont be able to know that u r following my blog.. that's all!
but i'll still know dont worry, ill follow ur blog back, anonymously,of course..

so pls, until this service is being amended, feel free to follow my blog anonymously and drop any comment(s)..

sori and tanx in advance!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Altering Purposes.. u all can see...this blog have been renewed.. i'll not share anythg related to my personal life anymore coz ill be updating bout it in my other blog here.. n yeah its a shared blog..

anyway, this blog will be renamed soon.. u can suggest any name to me by just commenting this post.. tanx in advance..

moving on, this blog will be used partly to help advertise my page at which i have just created to share my interest.. everyone are invited to like the page n join us.. those who wanna share, feel free to do so and my best compliments are for u..

u can check out the page here..

apart from that, ill be using this blog also to share my other interests such as computer hacking or any other IT related tweaks in hope to share my knowledge with all my readers..

in case of those who r wondering why am i doing this, its because this blog has gain enormous traffic since i tweak it to be advertise widely over the net.. as such, i find it more useful to share my knowledge and interests rather than bragging my own personal life which ill be doing in my other blog mentioned earlier.. in case u r wondering to check my blog rating at any rating sites such as, dont waste your time as i have protected my url from being rated as part of the technique to gain more traffic..

anyway anyhow, tanx for viewing my blog and feel free to share my content worldwide but ill be happier if u just link this page to your post...

till then, live life to the fullest, folks!

p/s : dear stalkers, tanx for stalking my page and help me gain more traffic.. sincerely, grateful.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

EARN MONEY ONLINE! (siyes xtipu!)

hye!!! as salam.. ok sumpah lama da xupdate blog nie... just kinda bz mencuba berbagai jenis kerja sepanjang cuti nie... hee byk experience dapat... but yg paling bes! jmpe website utk buat duit!!!! ok actually aku xde la dapat lg dalam tgn duit tu kan... cume site ni plg senang la nk buat duit.. n duit masuk tu nmpk secara real-time! tu yg excited tu... hee xpecaya kan? waktu aku tbaca pasal ni pun macam xpcaya... tp saje la mggatal nk tgk2 dlu... then bile register, TRUST ME! dye xminx bayar pape pun like any other sites.. so i was thinking like, y not? bkn rugi pape pun... so aku register je la... n then dye sruh run satu sites yg otomatic bkak ads every 20 seconds kalu xsilap... so as long as tab sites tu tbukak, duit akan terus masuk! n by right, for every 1 hour korang bkak sites tu utk jalan sdri, korang akan earn usd0.45. its like rm2 kalu xsilap... so korang bia je la sites tu tbukak sementara korang online! hee.. dye akan bayar when duit kite reached usd25.00.. which is around 56 hours of surfin.. around 2 ari lebih la kalu korang online 24 jam... tp macam aku yg peng'online' tegar ni yg dok online around 8 hours a day, seminggu da bole la kot dapat usd25.00 tu... so around rm100.00 a week? that is just more than enough for me!ok enuf talking.. kalu korang xcaya, bole leave this page immediately.. kalu agak2 nk try? okay, continue reading....

ok maksudnye korang macam interested la ni kan dok baca ape yg aku tulis ni kan??? ok meh aku aja step by step ye...

1. klik sini utk register

t dye kua page cmni...

so just klik join la kat bawah tu... bile da klik,

2. t dye kua cmni, korang isi je maklumat tu k...

ok then, klik sign up... bile da sign up, t kua la page cenggini..

ok maybe ade yg xtrus kua page maybe korang kene cek emel korang utk pengesahan.. klik je kat link yang diberi ye...

ok as u ol can see kat gmba atas ni, kat belah kiri tu tick kat home kan??? kan?

haa pasni klik plak kat bawah dye, yg 'earn money' tu. t kua page cenggini..

stakat ni oke ke? bole follow??? kalu xle sila baca balik la ye dari atas.. kalu bole follow, ok continue...

bile kua macam page kat atas tu, korang tick je la kat kotak kosong tu to show dat korang agree n understand bla bla bla...

dah tick tu, klik je kat link bawah dye tu... yang 'click here to start the surf junky browser tu'..

ok bile da klik, t dye akan bukak tab baru yang otomatik run.. tab tu akan tuka2 sites viewing ads every 20 secs cntu la.. so bia je la tab tu tbukak utk earn money!

btw, kalu tab tu kua error, just tutup tab tu n klik balik link tu..

ok? xpuas ati? nk tgk duit jalan? just klik kat statistics kat bawah menu 'earn money' tu.. as mentioned, real time k.. kalu every minutes nk tgk duit jalan just keep on clicking punat 'statistics' tu...

ok faham x? so as long as korang bia tab ads tu tbukak n run sdri, duit korang pun akan jalan.. macam yg aku tgh buat skrg, sambil update blog nie, sambil duit masuk..

owh! lupe nk cakap! caner nk withdraw duit ek? hee utk ni korang kne la ade akaun paypal... paypal pun register free je... xreti??? klik sini .. kat sini ade aja caner nk buat akaun paypal..

xde credit card o debit?? akaun bank kan ade? bank kat malaysia da maju da, so bole je paypal masukkan dalam bank korang...macam aku, masukkan kat CIMB je.. hee

oke...tu je kot... try la k kalu ade masa... especially utk onliner2 tegar tu... hee best of luck!

p/s : sorry to around 20 of my blog's stalkers to keep u waiting.. sori buat korang mnunggu utk ade bahan baru nk membahan.. hope korang dapat idea nk membahan yg nie.. c yah!